Thursday, April 30, 2015


Looking back over this class, I have a lot to take to the classroom. I feel so much more prepared and encouraged by the peers I am living life with and by my professor who models the way teaching should be.

I have learned how to best implement appropriate technology into my teaching in order to make it more meaningful and powerful to the students I come in contact with. I learned about the SAMR model and each level that empowers the students to use critical thinking skills and how to best redefine their learning. Through the TPACK model, I was made aware of the 3 types of knowledge that a teacher needs to reinforce instruction and learning. Technology knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and content knowledge are all needed to prepare a classroom for 21st century living.

Teaching concepts and generalizations have become second nature to me. Teaching terms such as these and performance tasks had never crossed my ears until this class. Learning a new way to approach teaching and assess learning both formatively and summatively has become easy, especially when comparing it to classy restaurants such as Fogo de Chao. For those who might not understand this comparison, let me explain it to you. Formative assessments occur when the chef in charge of making the meals tastes the meal to make sure it is ready. If the food is not ready, he adds flavor, spice, or whatever necessary to prepare it for the final test, that is serving it to the customer who ordered it. This final test is the summative assessment. Much in this way, students need to be formatively assessed as much as possible. This doesn't require a quiz every time, but a variety of ways that they can share their knowledge with you, and you as the teacher can track their learning.

Next on the list of great learning, was the in depth look at the North Carolina Professional Teaching Standards. These standards are to show me what is expected of me as a professional teacher. This was one of the first times I actually looked deep into these standards and what I found was intriguing, challenging and encouraging. I am so excited to challenge myself to reach the accomplished level and to always keep learning as I keep teaching. To further understanding, deep thinking and love for teaching, I tip my hat off to this class and it's professor.

Much love,
Brittany Kertesz

P.S. I am always drawn to this site, because it truly offers an amazing resource and inspiration to becoming a powerful, and purposeful teacher.

Also, This link brings you to a website highlighting some difficulties in teaching social studies, as well as encourages teacher to take advantage of teachable moments. Good luck out there!

1 comment:

  1. Brittany,

    I agree that looking back on this semester that I have a lot to carry with me into student teaching. I feel more prepared to teach Social Studies in a rapidly changing world. Thanks for sharing the resources you found for Social Studies instruction with the class! This has been a really great semester! Great post!
